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Carpal Tunnel Treatment Specialists

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition affecting the hand and wrist, caused by compression of the median nerve. The median nerve runs from the forearm into the hand and provides sensation to the thumb, index, middle and part of the ring fingers and controls some of the small muscles in the hand.

The prevalence of CTS varies depending on several factors, such as age, gender, and occupation, but it is estimated that between 2% and 3% of the general population is affected by CTS. Women are three times more likely to develop the condition than men, and the risk of developing CTS increases with age. Individuals who perform repetitive manual tasks or use vibrating tools are also at an increased risk for CTS.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a commonly misdiagnosed condition. It is estimated that approximately 50% of individuals who present with symptoms consistent with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome have another underlying condition, such as arthritis, nerve entrapment at the elbow, or cervical radiculopathy.

At Strive PT & Wellness, we can provide a thorough evaluation to ensure that individuals receive the most effective treatment for their specific condition. Often times, patients will be referred to therapy before any nerve testing is done. Although many feel they want to wait until testing is done first, starting your therapy early can be beneficial as we can often find the underlying causes and begin to resolve your symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

CTS can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

  1. Numbness, tingling or burning sensations in the fingers, particularly the thumb, index and middle fingers
  2. Weakness in the hand and wrist
  3. Pain in the wrist and hand that can extend up the arm
  4. Clumsiness or dropping objects
  5. Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as buttoning clothes or using utensils

Symptoms of CTS may start off mild and occasional but can become more frequent and severe over time if left untreated. The severity of symptoms can vary greatly between individuals and can have a significant impact on a person's ability to perform daily activities and work-related tasks.

This can make it difficult for someone to perform simple tasks such as typing, gripping objects, and even holding a pencil, leading to frustration and decreased confidence in their ability to complete tasks. The discomfort and weakness in the hand and wrist can also lead to difficulty sleeping and impact the person's quality of life.

For those who rely on manual labor or fine motor skills for their job, carpal tunnel syndrome can make it challenging to perform their job duties, leading to decreased job satisfaction and potential loss of income.

If you're suffering from CTS, you're not alone. Millions of people suffer from this condition, but the good news is that it can be treated. Physical and occupational therapy can play a crucial role in relieving the symptoms of CTS and helping you regain your hand and wrist function.

The Benefits of Physical and Occupational Therapy for CTS

  • Reduced Pain: Physical and occupational therapy can help reduce the pain and discomfort caused by CTS. By working with a therapist, you'll learn exercises and techniques to strengthen the muscles in your hand and wrist, which can help alleviate your symptoms.
  • Improved Function: CTS can impact a person's ability to complete daily tasks, but physical and occupational therapy can help improve hand and wrist function. Your therapist will work with you to develop an individualized plan to address your specific needs and help you regain your strength and mobility.
  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Physical and occupational therapy is a non-invasive form of treatment, making it a great option for those who want to avoid surgery. It's also a cost-effective alternative to more expensive treatments like surgery.
  • Customized Treatment Plan: No two cases of CTS are exactly alike, which is why physical and occupational therapy is such a great option. Your therapist will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.
  • Long-Term Results: Physical and occupational therapy can provide long-lasting results. By continuing to work with a therapist, you'll be able to maintain the gains you've made and prevent your symptoms from recurring.

Our facility specializes in treating those with neurological conditions, and CTS falls into that category. Seeing a therapist with a neurological specialty can provide a number of benefits when it comes to treating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). These therapists have a deep understanding of the nervous system and how it affects the body, which can be especially helpful in treating conditions like CTS that are caused by problems with the nerves in the hand.

Additionally, therapists with a neurological specialty have access to a range of specialized techniques and technologies that can help diagnose and treat CTS. They may also be able to provide a more comprehensive and personalized treatment plan that takes into account the unique needs and challenges of each individual patient.

Seeing a therapist with a neurological specialty can offer peace of mind, as patients can be confident that they are receiving the most up-to-date and effective treatments available. Whether you are looking to manage symptoms, prevent the progression of CTS, or achieve complete recovery, working with a specialist can help you achieve your goals and get back to living life pain-free. To schedule a consultation to learn more about how therapy can help treat CTS or if you’re ready to schedule your evaluation, contact us today!

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